After land, livestock is the second most important asset for a vast majority of the rural population. Owned by more than 70%, it is one of the primary sources of livelihood. The Company’s Integrated Animal Husbandry Programme targets this source of livelihood through an artificial insemination programme aimed at increasing yields of milch animals.
40 additional Cattle Development Centres (CDCs) were established during the year, taking the total to
161 CDCs. 1.31 lakh artificial inseminations (AIs) were performed and 35,881 live births took place during the year, taking the total number of cross-bred calves born to date to 1.04 lakh. There was significant improvement in the average number of artificial inseminations performed per Cattle Development Centre, a trend that has continued since 2006-07. This was largely possible because of the robust performance of 51 financially viable CDCs, up from 18 CDCs last year.
Economic Empowerment of Women
These programmes aim to genderise development by creating sustainable income opportunities for women. A total of 1,035 self-help groups were functional during the year with a membership of more than 14,000 women handling a total micro-credit corpus of Rs. 1.79 crore. In addition, the groups raised Rs. 98 lakh as loans from banks for various income generation activities during the year. 7,010 women were gainfully employed either through micro-enterprises (1,641) or as self-employed (5,369) through income generation loans.
Community Development
The primary education programme has so far covered over 2.29 lakh primary school goers. In addition, 577 government primary schools have been provided infrastructure support consisting of benches/chairs, compound walls/gates/roofs, additional classrooms, teaching aids and sports kits. A total of 2,937 low cost sanitary units have been constructed so far, with one-third of the cost being met by the beneficiaries.