ITC Limited Report and Accounts 2019


The cover of this year's Report and Accounts features ITC's corporate logo visually enhanced with photographs that represent multiple dimensions of the Company. ITC is committed to creating growing value for its stakeholders and the pyramidal form of the logo signifies the endless pursuit of this singular goal...

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Chairman and
Managing Director's Statement

It is both with a sense of pride and profound sadness that I write to you today at a very solemn moment in the Company's history. A deep sense of honour, as I embark on a journey to lead this exemplary Company as its Chairman & MD, and yet at a time when we grieve the loss of a guiding light for the ITC family of stakeholders, our former Chairman Mr YC Deveshwar...

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Building an Organisation
of National Pride

ITC's journey to build an exemplary Indian enterprise is inspired by its larger vision to put 'Nation First'...

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ITC's Businesses

The strategy to pursue multiple drivers of growth across all 3 sectors - agriculture,
manufacturing and services, has led to ITC's journey of transformation from a single product
company to a multi-business corporation, with market leadership in several segments.
13 Businesses in 5 Segments
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ITC: An Exemplar in
Triple Bottom Line Performance

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  • Gross Sales Value* 75309 crfor the year ended 31st March, 2019
  • ITC's contribution to the Central and State Governments represents about 80% #of Value-Added during the year
  • Total Shareholder Returns CAGR since 1996 22.3%(as in March, 2019)
  • ITC's FMCG products reach 124million households in India
* Gross Sales Value includes GST, GST Compensation Cess, Service Tax, VAT, Luxury Tax etc., as applicable for the reported periods
# Including dividend paid and retained earning attributable to Government-owned institutions

ITC's World Class
Indian Brands

Creating World Class Assets for India

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ITC's commitment to create value for India is also manifest in its investments in the development of world-class manufacturing and hospitality assets that contribute to the Company's competitiveness, whilst enhancing the country's long-term intellectual property.

An investment outlay of ₹ 25,000 crore has been envisaged to support creation of several Integrated Consumer Goods Manufacturing & Logistics facilities for its FMCG businesses, in building iconic luxury hotels and in strengthening distribution and agri-backend.

Baareh Mahine Hariyali

Paperboards & Packaging Business

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ITC's leadership position in the value-added Paperboards segment in India is anchored on the popularity of its array of brands that caters to a wide spectrum of innovative packaging, graphic and communication requirements.

ITC Hotels:
Pioneer in Responsible Luxury

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ITC Hotels is one of India's largest and fastest growing luxury hotel chains offering comprehensive hospitality solutions through more than 100 iconic hotels in over 70 destinations in the country. With 'Responsible Luxury' as its guiding premise...

Investing in Cutting Edge Innovation

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ITC's strong portfolio of world-class brands and products is supported by cutting-edge research and development executed by the globally benchmarked, state-of-the-art ITC Life Sciences and Technology Centre (LSTC) in Bengaluru.

Business Responsibility Report

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The Directors present the Business Responsibility Report of the Company for the financial year ended on 31st March, 2019, pursuant to Regulation 34(2)(f ) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The Company also publishes annually, a comprehensive Sustainability Report, based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and an Integrated Report, based on the International <IR> Framework developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)...

ITC InfotechLeading global technology services and solutions provider

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CII-ITC Centre of Excellence
for Sustainable Development

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The CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development, established by ITC in 2006 in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), continues with its value added initiatives to create awareness, provide thought leadership, build capacity and award exemplary performance in the area of sustainability. It is steered by its Advisory Council and comprises members from industry, civil society and institutions, which provides strategic direction to the organisation.

Major Awards 2018-19Major Awards Over The Years

Transforming Lives and Landscapes

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