
ITC e-Choupal

  • Transforming Agriculture

    The e-Choupal ecosystem addresses core needs of the farmers like infrastructure, connectivity, price discovery and market access. The e-choupal ecosystem also provide a significant boost to farm productivity through agri extension services and research based agri-inputs.
  • Power of 4 million

    A network of 6100 e-Choupal Internet kiosks covering 35,000 villages enables even small & marginal farmers to access real-time weather and price information, and relevant knowledge and services to enhance farm productivity, quality and command better prices. ITC e-Choupal has already become the largest initiative among all Internet-based interventions in rural India, empowering 4 million farmers.
  • Triggering a virtuous cycle

    Real-time information and customised knowledge provided by ITC e-Choupal enhance the ability of farmers to take decisions, align their farm output with market demand triggering a virtuous cycle of higher productivity and higher incomes. The e-choupal ecosystem across 10 states covers a range of crops - Soybean, Wheat, Rice, Maize, Coffee, Marine Products and Fruits.
  • Making farming more profitable

    ITC e-Choupal is an efficient two-way channel for a variety of goods and services, raising farm incomes and making farming more profitable.
  • Blending click & mortar capabilities

    Complementing this digital infrastructure is Choupal Pradarshan Khet – customised agri-extension services, demonstration plots and training programmes that promote best practices and assist farmers to diversify crop portfolios.
  • Choupal Saagar: Integrated rural services hub

    A procurement-cum-retail hub, Choupal Saagar offers multiple services under one roof — procurement and storage, a store-front for agricultural equipment and personal consumption products, insurance counters, pharmacy and health centers, agri-extension clinics, fuel stations and more.
  • Choupal Haat: Extending choice for rural consumer

    Created along the lines of village fairs, the Choupal Haats offer arenas for greater consumer engagement as well as avenues that expand choice and awareness.
  • Swasthya Choupal: Enhancing awareness on maternal & child care

    Designed to address the lack of access to credible and trustworthy health services in rural India Swasthya Choupal covers family planning, diarrhoea prevention and management, menstrual hygiene, sanitation and general nutrition and operates several partnerships.
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