Board of Directors
The primary role of
the Board is that of trusteeship to protect and enhance shareholder value through
strategic supervision of ITC, its wholly owned subsidiaries and their wholly owned
subsidiaries. As a body of trustees, the Board ensures that the Company has clear goals
relating to shareholder value and its growth. The Board sets strategic goals and seeks
accountability for their fulfilment. The Board also provides direction and exercises
appropriate control to ensure that the Company is managed in a manner that fulfils
stakeholder aspirations and societal expectations.
The ITC Board is a balanced Board,
comprising Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Non-Executive Directors include
independent professionals. The Governance Policy requires that the Non-Executive Directors
be drawn from amongst eminent professionals with experience in business/
finance/law/public enterprises. The present strength of the Board is 12. Four out of the
12 are Executive Directors.
As at 31st March, 2004, the Board comprised
12 Directors, of whom 6 Directors (representing 50% of the Board) were independent
Non-Executive Directors.
Currently, there are four Board
Committeesthe Audit Committee, the Nominations Committee, the Compensation Committee
and the Investor Services Committee.
The Audit Committee
of the Board, inter alia, provides reassurance to the Board on the existence of an
effective internal control environment that ensures efficiency and effectiveness of
operations, both domestic and overseas, safeguarding of assets and adequacy of provisions
for all liabilities, reliability of financial and other management information and
adequacy of disclosures and compliance with all relevant statutes.
The primary role of the
Nominations Committee of the Board is to make recommendations on appointments to
the Board, the Corporate Management Committee and the seniormost level of executive
management one level below the Board. The Committee also clears succession plans for these
The Compensation
Committee of the Board, inter alia, recommends to the Board the compensation terms
of Executive Directors and the seniormost level of management immediately below the
Executive Directors. Details of compensation paid to the Executive Directors and the
seniormost level of management immediately below the Executive Directors above a certain
prescribed level are provided to the shareholders every year in the Companys Annual
Report. The Committee also has the responsibility for administering the Employee Stock
Option Scheme of the Company.
The Investor Services
Committee of the Board oversees redressal of shareholder and investor grievances,
and approves subdivision/transmission of shares, issue of duplicate share certificates
Management Committee (CMC)
The primary role of the CMC is strategic management of the Companys businesses
within Board-approved direction/framework. The CMC operates under the strategic
supervision and control of the Board.
Divisional Management
Committee (DMC)/SBU Management Committee (SBU MC)
The primary role of the DMC/SBU MC is executive management of the Divisional/SBU
business to realise tactical and strategic objectives in accordance with a Board-approved
implementation, and audit of economic, environmental, social, and related policies
The Corporate Management Committee of the company approves the Environment, Occupational
Health & Safety and Social policies of ITC.
The Corporate EHS Department, headed by an
Executive Vice-President, is responsible for laying down ITCs EHS standards,
preparing EHS Guidelines, ensuring implementation and, at least annually, auditing EHS
performance in each of the Units/Factories/Hotels to ensure conformity to statutory
requirements, Corporate EHS Guidelines and Standards.
The Corporate Human Resource (CHR)
Department coordinates issues in the realm of the social performance of the Company. |