number |
Page/s |
Remarks |
and strategy |
1.1 |
Statement of the
organisations vision and strategy regarding sustainable development |
12 |
1.2 |
Statement from
the CEO describing key elements of the report |
12 |
Profile |
Organisational Profile |
2.1 |
Name of reporting
organisation |
6 |
2.2 |
Major products
and/or services, including brands if appropriate |
7 |
2.3 |
structure of the organisation |
14 |
2.4 |
Description of
major divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries and joint ventures |
6 |
2.5 |
Countries in
which the organisations operations are located |
India |
2.6 |
Nature of
ownership; legal form |
8 |
2.7 |
Nature of markets
served |
8 |
2.8 |
Scale of the
reporting organisation |
8 |
2.9 |
List of
stakeholders, key attributes of each, and relationship to the reporting organisation |
9 |
Report Scope |
2.10 |
Contact person(s)
for the report, including e-mail and web addresses |
11 |
2.11 |
Reporting period |
10 |
2.12 |
Date of previous
report |
11 |
2.13 |
Boundaries of
report, (countries/regions, products/ services etc.) and any specific limitations |
10 |
2.14 |
changes in size, structure, ownership |
Not Applicable |
2.15 |
Basis for
reporting on joint ventures etc. affecting comparability from period to period |
Not Applicable |
2.16 |
of any re-statements of earlier reports (e.g. mergers/ acquisitions) |
Not Applicable |
Report Profile |
2.17 |
Decisions not to
apply GRI principles/protocols in the preparation of the report |
Not Applicable |
2.18 |
used in accounting for cost/benefits |
Not Applicable |
2.19 |
changes in measurement methods |
Not Applicable |
2.10 |
Policy and
internal practices to enhance accuracy, completeness and reliability |
11 |
2.21 |
Policy and
current practice on independent assurance |
11 |
2.22 |
Means by which
report users can obtain additional Information |
11 |
Governance Structure and Management Systems |
Structure and Governance |
3.1 |
structure of the organisation (incl. major committees) |
1417 |
3.2 |
Percentage of the
Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) that are independent/ non-executive directors |
15 |
3.3 |
Process for
determining the expertise of board members to guide strategic direction |
15 |
3.4 |
processes for overseeing economic/ environmental/social risks and opportunities |
15 |
3.5 |
Linkages between
executive compensation and achievement of non-financial goals |
15 |
3.6 |
structure/responsibilities for oversight, implementation and audit of relevant policies |
15 |
3.7 |
of conduct/principles and status of implementation |
12 |
3.8 |
Mechanisms for
shareholders to provide recommendations to Board of Management |
9 |
Stakeholder Engagement |
3.9 |
Basis for
identification and selection of major Stakeholders |
89 |
3.10 |
Approaches to
stakeholder consultation in terms of frequency of consultations by type |
9 |
3.11 |
Type of
information generated by stakeholder Consultations |
9 |
3.12 |
Use of
information resulting from stakeholder Engagements |
9 |
Overarching Policies and
Management Systems |
3.13 |
Explanation of
how the precautionary principle is addressed by the organisations policies |
17 |
3.14 |
Subscription to
externally developed/voluntary charters/principles/initiatives |
2, 25 |
3.15 |
industry and business association membership |
51 |
3.16 |
for supply chain management and product stewardship |
28 |