ITC Limited
Sustainability Report 2006

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ITC is Committed to Energy Sustainability

Global, national and local level measures are needed to combat the adverse impacts of climate change induced damages. Developing countries such as India have low adaptive capacity to withstand the adverse impacts of climate change. This is due to a number of factors including the high dependence on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries, coupled with weak institutional mechanisms and lack of financial resources.

ITC's strategy on energy sustainability and its commitment towards reducing Green House Gases (GHG) emission can be summarised as follows:

  • Ensuring availability and sustainability of energy supply
  • Benchmarking specific energy consumption to progressively achieve reduction
  • Using renewable sources, including use of energy from wastes
  • Creating a positive environmental footprint through sequestration.

Energy Consumption

Image of Graph showing Total Energy Consumption by ITC units from the Financial Year 1999-2000 to 2005-06ITC's operations consumed 13,305 TJ (Terra Joules) of energy in 2005-06 (12,085 TJ in 04-05).

Total increase in energy consumption was only 10% more than the previous year in spite of a significant growth in production. For example, the Paperboards/Paper business, which accounts for 89.1% of ITC's energy consumption, grew by 18.9% in volume terms.

This was the result of a focused effort by all ITC units to conserve energy through continued technology upgradation, implementing recommendations by Certified Energy Auditors, training a large number of engineers in various units to be Certified Energy Managers and conducting awareness programmes to involve all employees in energy conservation.


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