It is a measure of the continued trust reposed in the
Company by its consumers that the top two FMCG brands in the country today belong to ITC.
The Company's FMCG businesses leverage one of the largest retail networks in the country,
consisting of about 2 million directly serviced dealers. Its reach covers a wide range of
the retail spectrum, from premium outlets in the metros to small shops in the interiors of
rural India. The Cigarette business continues to occupy its position of leadership on the
strength of continued value addition.
The Company rapidly scaled up the Branded Packaged Foods business during the year in
the four current categories - Snack Foods, Staples, Confectionery and Ready-to-Eat - now
offering over 100 distinctive products. In the Staples category, 'Aashirvaad
Atta' further consolidated its position as the clear leader amongst national
branded players with market share touching 45%. The year marked the expansion of the 'Sunfeast' range of biscuits with the launch of Cookies ('Sunfeast
Golden Bakes') in 3 variants and Sweet & Salt Crackers ('Sunfeast Snacky') in 2
variants. During the year, outsourced and distributed manufacturing capacities were geared
up to support the increase in scale of operations. The business is in the process of
establishing its own production facilities across the country with a view to servicing
proximal markets in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
The year also saw the roll out to target markets of 'Sunfeast
Pasta Treat', a whole-wheat based non-fried product. Product range in the
'Confectionery' segment was expanded with the launch of 'mint-o
masti blue' in a new pack design and 'Cofitino' in the
hitherto unrepresented Toffees segment. The Ready-to- Eat product portfolio was augmented
with the introduction of Instant Mixes in the 'popular' range under the 'Aashirvaad ReadyMeals' banner, launch of new variants of cooking
pastes under the 'Aashirvaad' umbrella brand and a range of packaged desserts, conserves
and chutneys under the flagship brand 'Kitchens of India'.