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Sustainability Report 2010

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Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level

Environmental Performance

•  ITC's Triple Bottom Line

Air Emissions

Material Sustainability In ITC Businesses

Environmental Footprint of our products

ITC products can be broadly classified into the following categories:

FMCG (B to C) products: Cigarettes, foods, personal care products, stationery, etc.

Industrial Supplies (B to B) and Exports: Paper, Paperboards and Packaging; Leaf tobacco, etc.

Services: Hotels and ITC Infotech.

Visual representation of Material flow in ITC
The diagram shows only principal raw materials, that are over 5% of the total raw materials in the respective businesses and all figures are in tonnes

The diagram represents material flow (only principal raw materials that are over 5% of total raw materials in each business) of various businesses in ITC. The synergy through vertical and horizontal integration of our businesses, provides us with significant opportunities to reduce our environmental footprint through better material utilisation, waste recycling and optimising logistics.

In 2009-2010, over 88% of the total raw materials used were renewable materials. In addition, we also used very substantial quantities of post-consumer wastepaper in our Paperboards and Specialty Papers business and this was sourced locally as well as internationally, details of which are already provided elsewhere in this Report.

Our initiatives on social and farm forestry plantations, watershed development in socially relevant areas, empowerment of marginal farmers through e-Choupals generate large-scale rural employment. Also these measures coupled with technology upgradation, extensive R&D and waste minimisation & recycling through product and process innovations help us in ensuring material sustainability for our businesses.

We plan to carry out life cycle assessment of products/services to evaluate the environmental impacts at the various life cycle stages. This would help us in identifying opportunities for improving their environmental attributes.

Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level
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