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Sustainability Report 2010

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Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level
Social Performance   ITC's Triple Bottom Line
Social Sector Investments: Mission Sunehra Kal

Adaptation to Climate Change Impact through Diversification of Farming Systems

Soil & Moisture Conservation

It is essential to control soil erosion in rain-fed tracts in order to attain and maintain food security, sustainable forestry and agriculture. These are best addressed through the promotion of watershed management practices, which are effective means of recharging groundwater, improving soil fertility and enhancing productivity.

7,454 hectares was brought under soil and moisture conservation and 278 large and small water-harvesting structures were constructed during the year. These works created 4.83 lakh person-days of work for the landless and marginal farmers. As a result, the programme provides soil and moisture conservation to more than 51,000 hectares in some of the country’s moisture-stressed districts. More than 2,800 water-harvesting structures not only provide life-saving irrigation to nearly 23,000 hectares, but have been the most significant contributors to the Company’s water positive status. The target of reaching 50,000 hectares by 2010 was thus accomplished during the year.

These meaningful interventions in watershed development were further strengthened by several public-private partnerships that were formed successfully during the year. The total area under collaboration with NABARD in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Bihar stands at 34,000 hectares, to be covered over a period of five years. 49,000 hectares will be covered under the MoUs signed with the Governments of Maharashtra and Rajasthan. As a result of the MoUs signed during the year, the total area targeted for watershed development under various partnerships increased to 83,000 hectares.

The programme provides soil and moisture conservation to more than 51,000 hectares in some of the country’s moisture-stressed districts
Activity Unit Cum to 2008-09 2009-10 Cum to Date
Area Treated Hectares 22,349 5,952 28,301
Critical Irrigation Area Hectares 21,492 1,501 22,993
Total Watershed Area Hectares 43,841 7,454 51,294
Command Area        
Minor Structures No 1,587 168 1,755
Major Structures No 948 110 1,058
Total Structures No 2,535 278 2,813
Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level
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