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Sustainability Report 2011

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Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Key Impacts,
Risks and Opportunities
Organisational Profile
Report Profile,
Scope and Boundary
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level

Environmental Performance

Water Management Stewardship

Water Conservation

Tribeni Unit   Kovai Unit
The Tribeni Mill, which manufactures specialty paper which is a water intensive process, has implemented various water conservation measures, resulting in the use of less than half the freshwater per tonne of product during the reporting period in comparison to 1998-99.
Consistent efforts towards implementing water conservation initiatives have yielded positive results in the Kovai Unit. Kovai has achieved substantial reduction of close to 33.5% in specific fresh water intake over the 2006-07 level, as illustrated above.
Specific freshwater intake in Tribeni Mill (KL/Tonne)   Specific fresh water intake in Kovai Unit (KL/Tonne)
2010-11 124
2009-10 117
2008-09 120
2007-08 106
2006-07 99
2005-06 105
2004-05 107
2003-04 128
2002-03 178
2001-02 213 52.1%
reduction in specific fresh water intake over 1998-99
2000-01 226
1999-00 233
1998-99 259
2010-11 124
2009-10 117
2008-09 120
2007-08 106
2006-07 99


reduction in specific fresh water intake over the
2006-07 level

This specific freshwater intake of 13.97 KL/tonne is better than the proposed benchmark standard of 19 KL/tonne by NPC, New Delhi in 2006 for this category of Paper Mill.

In 2010-11, the Cigarette Business reported a specific fresh water intake of 3.9 KL/Million Cigarettes equivalent; an improvement of 9.7% over last year (4.3 KL/Million Cigarettes eq. in 2009- 10). (British American Tobacco reported a specific water consumption of 4.15 m3/Million Cigarette eq. in BAT Sustainability Report 2010).

Unit wise improvements in specific freshwater intake over the last year are:

  2009-10 2010-11  
  KL/ Million cigarettes
Munger 5.38 4.60 14.4
Bengaluru 4.14 3.67 11.6
Saharanpur 4.51 4.24 6.03
Kidderpore 2.95 2.61 11.4
ITC’s Snacks Units of the Foods Division at Haridwar and Pune have achieved substantial savings in freshwater intake per tonne of product as illustrated below:
Snacks Units
2009-10 2010-11 Percentage
Haridwar 10.83 5.90 45.5
Pune 20.48 11.69 42.9

Other Units which achieved significant reduction in specific freshwater intake over the last year:

Packaging & Printing Units at Tiruvottiyur & Munger 21.2% & 12.2% respectively
Cast coating unit at Bollaram 12.4%
ITC Grand Central 5.8%
ITC Windsor 11%
WelcomHotel Sheraton Chola 20.3%
WelcomHotel Sheraton New Delhi 16.2%
WelcomHotel Sheraton Rajputana 10.6%
Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Key Impacts,
Risks and Opportunities
Organisational Profile
Report Profile,
Scope and Boundary
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level
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