Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest
A combination of centrally
issued policies and divisionally-evolved
procedures brings
robustness to the process of
ensuring that business risks
are effectively addressed |
In terms of the ITC Code of Conduct, Directors, senior management and employees must avoid situations in which their personal interests could conflict with the interests of the Company. This is an area in which it is impossible to provide comprehensive guidance but the guiding principle is that conflicts, if any, or potential conflicts, must be disclosed to higher management for guidance and action as appropriate.
Contracts in which Directors are interested, if any, are required to be placed before the Board for approval. Further, senior management is also required to confirm on an annual basis that no material transaction has been entered into by them which could have potential conflict with the interests of the Company; such confirmations are placed before the Board.
The Company has a Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading ('ITC Code') in the securities of the Company. The ITC Code, inter alia, prohibits purchase / sale of securities of the Company by Directors and employees while in possession of unpublished price sensitive information in relation to the Company. Shareholder Mechanisms
Detailed in Shareholders’ section of 'Stakeholder
Engagement'. |