ITC has constantly endeavoured to
contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of Indian agriculture by helping the farmer
significantly improve crop quality and productivity. ITC is currently engaged in imparting
a revolutionary dimension to its rural partnership by leveraging information technology to
elevate the Indian farmer to a new order of empowerment. Project 'e-Choupal', ITC's
pioneering click & mortar initiative, links the Indian farmer with domestic and
international markets to help him realise a better value for his produce. It is the
largest Internet-based intervention in rural India by the corporate sector. It already
reaches out to more than half a million farmers to provide web-enabled real-time
information on the weather, best farming practices and commodity prices. Through
virtual clustering, these 'e-Choupals' are conferring the power of scale on even the
smallest of individual farmers. This first-of-its-kind rural e-infrastructure will
dramatically enhance efficiency in the purchase and sale of agri-inputs and farm produce,
with direct benefits to the farmer. 770 'e-Choupals' are already operational, covering
4,500 villages across four States in India. With the 'e-Choupal' project slated to expand
to 100,000 villages, i.e. 1/6th of India's villages, in the next 5 to 7 years, ITC aspires
to transform the fundamentals of farm economics in India. |