For years, wheat growers like Ram Chander had no incentive to improve the quality of the wheat they produced. Farmers cultivate wheat across several agro-climatic zones in India and consequently produce varying grades of the grain. The traditional wheat procurement and handling system does not efficiently match the quality of produce with the specific needs of different markets. Consumer taste preferences in various markets demand their own kinds of wheat. With the introduction of e-Choupal, the situation is changing. Farmers now have the benefit of efficient price discovery through the 'echoupal' at the village level itself, and the facility of selling wheat to ITC right at the farm gate. ITC leverages its comprehensive proprietary knowledge base of consumer behaviour and customised product development to link the farmers' produce to appropriate consumer segments. ITC's e-Choupal thus bridges the disconnect between the way wheat is bought (according to physical properties), processed (according to chemical properties) and sold (according to consumer tastes). In effect, guaranteeing farmers the right price for the right quality. Inspiring growers like Ram Chander to think of quality.


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