We have been engaged by ITC Limited (the 'Company') to review the contents of ‘Sustainability Report 2008’ (the 'Report'), prepared under its responsibility, and provide independent assurance to the reporting procedures related to social and environmental information therein. The Report and its contents are the responsibility of the Company and this assurance statement is the responsibility of Ernst & Young.
Scope and limitation of assurance
In order to provide assurance, we selected 8 units representing manufacturing units from various businesses, hotels and large offices and core G3 indicators as listed below, which are material to ITC Triple Bottom Line performance. The scope was limited to review and verification of data collection/measurement methodology and general review of the logic of inclusion/omission of necessary relevant information/data. The assurance engagement covers only the following aspects of the Report -
Review of the Report for any major anomalies within the Report and between the Report and source data/information;
Verification of the transcription of the data internally verified by the Company;
Execution of an audit trail of selected claims and data streams to determine the level of accuracy in collection, transcription and aggregation systems;
Review of the Company's plans, policies and practices, so as to be able to make comments on the completeness of reporting and the degree to which E&Y believes the Report provides a fair and honest representation of the Company's business;