Sustainability Report 2009
Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Statement from
Ernst & Young
Self-declaration on Application Level

C. Integrated Watershed Development Programme

Recognising the vital role that water plays in the rural economy, ITC promotes watershed projects in water-stressed areas, providing precious water resources for agriculture, rural communities and livestock. Based on a participatory approach, the programme facilitates building, reviving and maintaining water harvesting structures as well as management of water resources to reverse land degradation, provide critical irrigation and increase agricultural productivity.

The work under this initiative has spread from 5 projects in two states, to 26 projects in 7 states.

In addition to water user charges as a source of revenue, efforts were also made to link the Water User Groups to market-based activities with a view to enhance earnings. These included activities like agri-input sales, procurement of spices and raw material for organic fertilisers.

In another first of its kind agreement in the country, ITC signed a MoU with the Government of Maharashtra to implement NREGA in 2 blocks of Jalna district on an integrated watershed development basis covering 50 gram panchayats.

Activity Unit Cum to
2008-09 Cum
Area Treated Hectares 16,496 5,853 22,349
Critical Irrigation Area Hectares 18,483 3,009 21,492
Total Watershed Area Hectares 34,979 8,862 43,841
Command Area
Minor Structures* No 1,392 195 1,587
Major Structures* No 786 162 948
Total Structures No 2,178 357 2,535
* The difference in the number of minor and major structures as reported for 2007-08 is a result of reclassification of different kinds of structures. However, the total numbers remain the same

It is estimated that the project will generate 8 lakh mandays of employment per year. In the last 3 months of 2008-09, 43 villages were covered under this programme, with work worth Rs. 50.20 lakhs, covering 1,216 hectares, benefiting 1,139 households.

The Ranjangaon area in Pune district was under severe drought during this Kharif season. With virtually no rains in the project area, farmers and cattle were adversely affected. ITC’s watershed development works became the only source of livelihood for more than 350 farmers who participated daily in the work and treated 281 hectares against a target of 130 hectares.

The total area covered is 43,841 hectares benefiting 45,000 households. This includes the provision of critical irrigation to about 21,942 hectares through 2535 water harvesting structures. There are 916 water user groups consisting of more than 27,000 members in 28 districts across 7 states.
Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Statement from
Ernst & Young
Self-declaration on Application Level
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