Management Approach – ITC ensures that all products and services offered to the consumer are in full compliance with all applicable national standards and aspires to achieve best in class international standards on environmental impacts, health and safety. Measures such as migration from solvent based inks to water based inks in the Packaging and Printing Business and replacing chlorine bleaching process with ozone bleaching in the Paperboards & Specialty Papers Business allows us, for example, to offer complete food grade packaging solutions, while having hotels, factories and offices comply with Green Building Standards and the National Building Code allows us to offer a green and safe environment for all our customers and employees. ITC continues its efforts on these aspects to achieve continual improvements in standards.
Product and Service Labeling – All ITC products and services are in complete compliance with relevant statutory requirements addressing these issues. An elaborate system of checks and measures are in place to ensure that no violations occur.
Compliance – All ITC businesses have well-established systems and procedures to ensure compliance with statutory and internal requirements, concerning issues such as Customer Health & Safety, Product & Service labeling, marketing communications and Customer privacy. International Quality Rating System (IQRS) for Business Excellence, which rates key processes against international benchmarks, has already been introduced in a number of businesses. In addition, various other quality improvement tools such as ‘Six Sigma’ initiatives have been integrated with the Quality Management Systems, to further strengthen compliance. In addition there is a rigorous system of internal audits to ensure compliance.
Goals & Performance - ITC continuously endeavors to provide its consumers products and services that are benchmarked to international quality standards. Individual business performance on ‘Product Responsibility’ is described elsewhere in the Report.
Context – All ITC products and services aspire to be best in class for their respective categories. These aspirations are backed by extensive R&D efforts spearheaded by the in-house R&D resources. Aspects influencing Health & Safety are factored in at the product / service design stage. ITC anticipates that social pressures towards responsible use of tobacco will increase and ITC remains fully committed to support this concern. The growing trend towards voluntary disclosures points to an era of increasingly well informed consumers, which we think will create additional opportunities for products & services with authenticated sustainability attributes.