ITC’s Core Values are aimed at developing a customer-focused, high performance organisation which creates values for all its stakeholders.
As professional managers, we are conscious that ITC has been given to us in ‘trust’ by all our stakeholders. We will actualise stakeholder value and interest on a long-term sustainable basis.
Customer Focus
We are always customer-focused and will deliver what the customer needs in terms of value, quality and satisfaction.
Respect for People
We are result oriented, setting high performance standards for ourselves as individuals and teams. We will simultaneously respect and value people and uphold humanness and human dignity.
We acknowledge that every individual brings different perspectives and capabilities to the team and that a strong team is founded on a variety of perspectives.
We want individuals to dream, value differences, create and experiment in pursuit of opportunities and achieve leadership through teamwork.
We do what is right, do it well and win. We will strive for excellence in whatever we do.
We will constantly pursue newer and better processes, products, services and management practices.
Nation Orientation
We are aware of our responsibility to generate economic value for the Nation. In pursuit of our goals, we will make no compromise in complying with applicable laws and regulations at all levels.
Corporate Governance Policy
ITC defines Corporate Governance as a systemic process by which companies are directed and controlled to enhance their wealth-generating capacity. Since large corporations employ a vast quantum of societal resources, ITC believes that the governance process should ensure that these resources are utilised in a manner that meets stakeholders’ aspirations and societal expectations. This belief is reflected in the Company’s deep commitment to contribute to the ‘Triple Bottom Line’, namely, the development, nurture and regeneration of the nation’s economic, social and environmental capital.
ITC’s Corporate Governance structure, systems and processes are based on two core principles -
ITC believes that any meaningful policy on Corporate Governance must empower the executive management of the Company. At the same time, Governance must create a mechanism of checks and balances to ensure that the decision-making powers vested in the executive management are used with care and responsibility to meet stakeholders’ aspirations and societal expectations.
From this definition and core principles of Corporate Governance emerge the cornerstones of ITC’s governance philosophy, namely, trusteeship, transparency, empowerment & accountability, control and ethical corporate citizenship. ITC believes that the practice of each of these creates the right corporate culture that fulfils the true purpose of Corporate Governance.
The Policy Document that sets out the structure, policies and practices of governance is available on the Company’s corporate website under the section ‘Our Values’.