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Sustainability Report 2010

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Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level

GRI Indicators - Index

GRI - G3
GRI - G3 Indicator Description UNGC COP Element
EC7 Procedure for local hiring, and proportion of
senior management hired from the local
community at locations of significant operation
Actions Taken and Outcomes from Implementing Principle 6
  Indirect Economic Impacts  
EC8 Development and impact of infrastructure
investments and services provided primarily for
public benefit through commercial, in kind, or
pro bono engagement
Disclosure on Management Approach Actions Taken to Implement
Principles 7, 8 and 9
EN1 Materials used by weight or volume Outcomes from Implementing
Principle 8
EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled
input materials
Outcomes from Implementing Principles 8 and 9
EN3 Direct energy consumption by primary energy source Outcomes from Implementing Principle 8
EN4 Indirect energy consumption by primary source "
EN5 Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvement Outcomes from Implementing Principles 8 and 9
EN8 Total water withdrawal by source Outcomes from Implementing Principle 8
EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused Outcomes from Implementing Principles 8 and 9
EN11 Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Outcomes from Implementing Principle 8
EN12 Description of significant impacts of activities,
products, and services on biodiversity in protected
areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside
protected areas
  Emissions, Effluents and Waste  
EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight Outcomes from Implementing Principle 8
EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight "
EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight "
EN20 NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions by type and weight "
EN21 Total water discharge by quality and destination "
EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method "
EN23 Total number and volume of significant spills "
  Products and Services  
EN26 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact Actions Taken to Implement Principles 7, 8 and 9
EN27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category Outcomes from Implementing Principles 8 and 9
EN28 Monetary value of significant fines and
total number of non-monetary sanctions
for non-compliance with environmental laws
and regulations
Outcomes from Implementing Principle 8
Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments
& Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Annexures Independent
Assurance Statement
Self-declaration on Application Level
Sustainability Reports Archives
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