Our human resource management systems and processes are committed to creating a responsive, customer-centric and market focused culture that enhances organisational capability and vitality. Our unique employee value propositions supported by our strong corporate equity enables sustained engagement in challenging times.
During 2009-2010 our full-time direct employees numbered over 26,200 of which nearly 2,279 employees in the Leaf Tobacco business were engaged on a seasonal basis due to the very nature of the business.
In addition, approximately 9000 employees of service providers were engaged in our operations during this period. Our significant operations are in India except for one Subsidiary Company in Nepal, which employed around 800 full time direct employees and 500 employees of service providers.
The different value chains related to our businesses provided indirect employment to over 5 million people, whose livelihoods were substantially linked to their association with the Company. Indirect employment covers the supply and distribution network, agri-sourcing, social and farm forestry, e-Choupals, women’s empowerment and micro-enterprises and livestock development.
Over 12,600 of our direct employees are members of various unions. Employees were aligned and involved in the implementation of significant investments in technology and process improvements aimed at enhancing productivity, quality and delivery effectiveness. The harmonious relations at all operating units is a reflection of the Company’s belief in employee engagement focusing on a collaborative approach and mutuality of interests.
Our remuneration philosophy recognizes performance and meritocracy, whilst being competitive and sustainable. This is reflected in the total employee cost of Rs.1003 crores during 2009-2010, which represents an 18.7% compounded annual growth over the last 3 years. |