ITC Sustainability Report 2007
Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments & Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Statement from PricewaterhouseCoopers Annexures Self-declaration on Application Level

Management Approach

Economic Performance

Policy: The Company’s commitment in the area of economic performance is encapsulated in its Vision statement, which is 'to sustain ITC's position as one of India's most valuable corporations through world-class performance, creating growing value for the Indian economy and the Company's stakeholders'. ITC’s Mission is 'to enhance the wealth generating capability of the enterprise in a globalising environment delivering superior and sustainable stakeholder value'.

The Company’s strategy is to ensure that each of its businesses is world-class and internationally competitive in the Indian global market in the first instance, and progressively in the offshore global markets.
ITC, as a premier ‘Indian’ enterprise, consciously exercises the strategic choice of contributing to and securing the competitiveness of the entire value chain of which it is a part. This philosophy has shaped the Company’s approach to business into ‘a commitment beyond the market’.

Goals and Performance: At the enterprise level the Company’s goals include:

  • Sustaining ITC’s position as one of India’s most valuable corporations.

  • Achieving leadership in each of the business segments within a reasonable time frame.

  • Achieving a Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) in excess of the Company’s cost of capital, at all times.

Please refer to the 'Report of the Directors and Management Discussion and Analysis' section of the Report and Accounts 2007 for a detailed discussion on the Company’s market standing in each of the business segments.

Context: Please refer to the 'Report of the Directors and Management Discussion and Analysis' section of the Report and Accounts 2007 for a detailed discussion on the business environment, opportunities, key challenges, etc. pertaining to each of the Company’s businesses.

Environmental Performance

Policy: ITC endeavours not only to minimise its environmental footprint but wherever possible create a positive environmental footprint. The Corporate Management Committee of the Company has issued an Environment, Health & Safety Policy. ITC’s EHS Policy extends to all sites of the Company.

Goals & Performance: The Company has adopted 4 goals in the area of Environment:

  • Performance Beyond Compliance

  • Carbon Positive Footprint

  • Water Positive Footprint

  • Zero Solid Waste (reduction, reuse and 100% recycling of all solid wastes)

Responsibility: It is the overall responsibility of the Divisional/Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Chief Executives, through the members of their Divisional Management Committees, General Managers and Unit Heads, to ensure implementation of this Policy and Corporate Standards on EHS, including formation of various committees and designating individuals for specific responsibilities in respect of their Division/SBU.

The Corporate EHS Department is responsible for reviewing and updating Corporate Standards on EHS, and for providing guidance and support to all concerned.

Management: All the manufacturing units, large hotels & Corporate EHS Department are certified to ISO 14001 Environment Management Systems. Additionally, the Corporate EHS Department has laid down detailed guidelines and standards for all ITC businesses/units. Experts from the Corporate EHS Department audit each unit at least once annually to ensure implementation and provide assistance for further improving EHS performance.

Awards: A large number of awards and certifications listed in this Report are a testimony to ITC’s commitment to create positive environmental footprints.

Context: ITC businesses have identified and adopted a number of initiatives where environmental performance provides significant financial, strategic and sustainability benefits and complement national priorities.

Labour Practices and Decent Work Environment

Policy: ITC is committed to employee engagement that upholds individual dignity and respects human rights.
ITC’s employment practices are premised on attracting and retaining talent based only on merit. Its capability development agenda ensures the deepening and enhancement of skills of all its employees through customised training and development inputs. All ITC employees operate in a work environment that is benchmarked internationally for the quality of its safety and health standards.

Responsibility: It is the overall responsibility of the Divisional Chief Executives, through the members of their Divisional Management Committees, Human Resources and EHS Functions, to ensure that employment and EHS practices in all Units are in accordance with the policy outlined above and to ensure total compliance with all statutory provisions governing labour practices and decent work. Specific responsibilities are assigned to different individuals based on the roles being performed by them.

The Corporate Human Resources and EHS functions are responsible for reviewing and updating standards and guidelines on labour and EHS policies, employment practices, and for providing guidance and support to all concerned.

Management: The Company leadership ‘walking the talk’ and a relentless focus on implementing the policy underline the Company’s approach to employment practices and creating a decent work environment.

The Human Resources and EHS functions of each business are the primary custodians of ITC’s labour and EHS policies and employment practices, the implementation of which is reviewed periodically at the Unit and the Divisional levels. The Corporate Human Resources and EHS functions provide specialist services to assist in the implementation and monitoring of the same. The multi-layered and multi-dimensional audit framework of the Company also helps in monitoring compliance with laid down policies and statutory regulations.

Training & Awareness: The policy is shared with employees and potential employees through training programmes, communication sessions, the Company portal, intranet sites and pre-placement presentations. Managers from HR, EHS and Engineering departments are provided regular training for effective implementation of these policies.

Monitoring & Follow-up: The HR and EHS resources of the Divisions regularly monitor progress to ensure proper implementation of these policies, while the Unit Heads and the Divisional Management Committees follow-up periodically to ensure full compliance. The Corporate EHS Department undertakes regular audits of the Units.

Objectives: The primary objective is to nurture a culture of meritocracy amongst a committed and enthusiastic workforce from diverse backgrounds. In the pursuit of this objective, the following goals have been set for the next five years:

  • All ITC’s Units, which are already ‘beyond compliance’ in all areas related to labour practices, will continue to be so.

  • Ensure that the Company’s record of attraction and retention of talent is superior to other companies in the comparative sample.

  • Enable employees to perform to their fullest potential to add value to the enterprise, nation and themselves.

  • Enhance the Company’s employee value proposition so that ITC retains its position as an employer of choice.

  • Endeavour to eliminate accidents and injuries both onsite and offsite.

Awards: A number of awards for excellence in Human Resources and EHS management and practices bear testimony to ITC’s commitment to Human Resource Development and EHS and to best-in-class employment practices.

Context: High standards of employment and EHS practices enhance the Company’s performance, help in the attraction and retention of quality talent, and enhance the equity of the Company as a responsible employer.

Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments & Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Statement from PricewaterhouseCoopers Annexures Self-declaration on Application Level
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