ITC Sustainability Report 2007
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ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Statement from PricewaterhouseCoopers Annexures Self-declaration on Application Level

Statement from PricewaterhouseCoopers

Objective of Review
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) was retained by ITC Limited (“ITC”) to review the contents of its Corporate Sustainability Report (“Report”) prepared under its responsibility and based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2006 guidelines (G3). The Report, which relates to ITC’s triple bottom line (TBL) performance for the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007, covers all units of ITC mentioned in the Report.

This statement to ITC provides PwC’s Independent Review on select information and data, as stated below, presented in the Report.

Responsibilities during Review
The Management of ITC is responsible for the collection and presentation of the TBL information in the Report. Our responsibility, as agreed with the Management, is to express conclusions with limited review of select data and information contained in the Report in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Information,” approved December 2003 by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

The Report and its contents are the responsibility of the management of ITC, while the observations made under Independent Review Statement is the outcome of the professional work undertaken by PwC.

Limitations of Scope of Work
Our review comprised limited assurance on data and information reported against the indicators delineated under Scope of Review, below.

The data and graphs on financial performance, as specified in the Report under Economic indicators are derived from the audited 2006-07 financial statements of ITC Limited.

Excluded from the scope of our work is information relating to:

  • Units and indicators other than those mentioned above ;

  • All future looking statements including those of commitments, opinion, belief and/or aspiration.

Scope and Approach of Review
The scope of the review covering sample sites and indicators, as delineated below, included those that are material to ITC’s business and provided our evidence gathering procedures with sufficient appropriate evidence on which to base our conclusion.

  1. Visits to the following sites viz.

    1. Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division ((PSPD): Bhadrachalam (Andhra Pradesh)

    2. Packaging and Printing Business (PPB): Tiruvottiyur (Tamil Nadu)

    3. India Tobacco Division (ITD): Bengaluru Factory, (Karnataka)

    4. Hotels: ITC Windsor, Bengaluru (Karnataka)

    Additionally, discussions were held at the Corporate Head Quarters at ngal) with senior management responsible for providing overview of HSE issues and community initiatives.
  2. Review of the following short-listed TBL indicators:

    1. Energy

      1. Direct Energy and Indirect Energy use

      2. Initiatives to use renewable energy

      3. CO2 Emissions

    2. Water

      1. Total water withdrawn segmented by source

      2. Significant effluent discharges, water recycled and reused

      3. Initiatives for water conservation and harvesting

    3. Solid Waste

      1. Solid waste generated, reused and recycled

    4. Accidents

      1. Lost Day, injury, absentee rates and work related fatalities

    5. Community Initiatives

      1. Targeted investments for soil and moisture conservation

      2. Social & Farm Forestry Initiatives

Review Procedures carried out
Our work comprised of:

  1. a desktop review of TBL issues relevant to ITC’s businesses;

  2. understanding of the operations and systems established at each of the four sample sites mentioned above with respect to the delineated indicators for the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 and the TBL commitments made by ITC;

  3. an understanding of systems for data generation, collection, analysis, consolidation and reporting at business unit, divisional and group level based on evidence gathering procedures;

  4. review and sample testing at four sample sites of the indicators and associated statements presented in the Report;

  5. interviews with senior management at Corporate Office as well as relevant ITC personnel at the four sample sites for issues relating to HSE and community initiatives;

  6. review of conclusions drawn from data and corresponding statements made in ITC’s Report for the delineated indicators stated above at (2) under Scope of Review in the context of completeness and reliability.

Basis for Review
We planned and performed our work in accordance with ISAE 3000. We sought all information and explanations that we considered necessary to provide sufficient evidence for us to ascertain that the above indicators were consistent with the activities in the four sample units for the financial period; and were documented and stated in accordance with G3 as well as the corporate guidelines under ITC’s corporate policies.


  1. On the basis of the work undertaken, nothing has come to our attention that would cause us not to believe that:

    • The information for the indicators stated above [at (2) under Scope of Review] has been stated in a fair and balanced manner.

  2. Based on our review, we consider the data and text presented in the Sustainability Report to cover the significant aspects of ITC’s sustainability performance and management thereof.

  3. The Report is in accordance with G3 guidelines.

Tapan Ray

Executive Director
PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited

Dated: 1 February 2008
Place: Mumbai

Chairman’s Statement:
ITC’s Vision and Strategy
Organisational Profile
Certifications, Honours & Awards Report
Governance, Commitments & Engagements
ITC’s Triple Bottom Line GRI Index Statement from PricewaterhouseCoopers Annexures Self-declaration on Application Level
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