Emissions, Effluents and Waste |
EN16 |
Total direct and indirect greenhouse
emissions by weight |
EN17 |
Other relevant indirect greenhouse
emissions by weight (under evaluation) |
EN19 |
Emissions of ozone-depleting
by weight |
EN20 |
NOx, SOx and other significant
air emissions
by type and weight |
EN21 |
Total water discharge by quality
and destination |
EN22 |
Total weight of waste by type
and disposal method |
EN23 |
Total number and volume of
significant spills |
Products and Services |
EN26 |
Initiatives to mitigate environmental
of products and services,
and extent of impact
mitigation (Study under progress) |
EN27 |
Percentage of products sold and their
materials that are reclaimed
by category (Study under
progress) |
Compliance |
EN28 |
Monetary value of significant fines
and total
number of non-monetary
sanctions for noncompliance
environmental laws and
regulations |
Social Performance |
Labour Practices and Decent Work |
Disclosure on Management Approach Employment |
LA1 |
Total workforce by employment type,
contract, and region |
LA2 |
Total number and rate of employee
turnover by
age group, gender
and region |
Labour/Management Relations |
LA4 |
Percentage of employees covered
by collective
bargaining agreements |
LA5 |
Minimum notice period(s) regarding
operational changes, including whether
it is specified in collective agreements |
Occupational Health & Safety |
LA7 |
Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost
days and absenteeism, and number
of workrelated fatalities by region |
LA8 |
Education, training, counselling,
prevention and risk-control programmes
in place to assist workforce members,
their families or community members
regarding serious diseases |
Training & Education |
LA10 |
Average hours of training
per year per employee,
by employee category |
Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
LA13 |
Composition of governance bodies
breakdown of employees per
category according
to gender, age group,
minority group membership,
and other indicators of diversity |
LA14 |
Ratio of basic salary of men to women
employee category |
Human Rights |
Disclosure on Management
Approach Investment and
Procurement Practices |
HR1 |
Percentage and total number of significant
investment agreements that
human rights clauses or that have
undergone human rights screening |
HR2 |
Percentage of significant suppliers
and contractors
that have undergone
screening on human rights
actions taken |