ITC believes its workforce is a key asset contributing to the Company's long term standing as one of India's most admired organisations. The Company believes that a safe and healthy work environment is a basic requirement for ensuring employee well-being and that best practices in occupational health & safety enhance the Company's overall performance. This helps in attracting and retaining quality talent, and enhances the equity of the Company as a responsible Corporate.

  • The ITC Approach

    ITC's approach towards best-in-class occupational health and safety standards is articulated in the Board approved EHS Policy that emphasises on continual improvement and is based on an environment, health and safety (EHS) management system developed in accordance with internationally recognised standards, supported by continued investments in state-of-the-art technology and quality human resources.

    As a first step, EHS requirements are integrated at the design stage itself for all new investments in the built environment. The design reviews cover building & structural stability, fire & life safety measures, electrical systems, segregation of man-material movements, work place lighting, ventilation & hygiene requirements, noise & dust controls, water and energy use optimisation, traffic safety, etc. The process of incorporating EHS at the design stage not only helps in eliminating/ reducing hazards but also optimises the overall infrastructure as well as operational costs.

    As a next step, compliance with EHS standards during the construction phase is ensured by implementing appropriate project EHS management systems. This includes adequate training of all employees including service providers' employees, enforcement of the use of safe equipment/ tools/ tackles, development of and adherence to safe work procedures/ method statements, observance of good housekeeping & storage practices and usage of personal protective equipment. Pre-commissioning audits of all large projects are carried out by Corporate EHS (CEHS) to ensure that all equipment and systems have been procured and installed in conformance with agreed standards and a formal clearance is required to be provided before the project can be operationalised.

    At the operational stage, all ITC factories, hotels, warehouses and offices have established EHS management systems with designated roles and responsibilities and competent resources to comply with Corporate EHS Guidelines. Each ITC Unit has EHS Committees to promote active participation of employees in EHS management. The EHS Committee meets at least once every quarter to review the EHS performance of the Unit. Health and safety topics are also covered in the long term agreements with trade unions. During 2015-16, 2 such agreements had been signed.

    ITC Corporate EHS Guidelines also require raising of awareness amongst employees, their families and surrounding communities regarding off-the-job safety aspects such as home safety, safe use of LPG in kitchen, HIV/ AIDs, hepatitis, dengue, malaria and road safety. As part of ITC's preventive medical programme, various categories of employees based on their age and exposure to occupational hazards, undergo periodic medical check-ups.

    Compliance is monitored through internal audits by CEHS across ITC establishments on a periodic basis and forms part of the report back to CMC (monthly) and the Board (quarterly), together with accident statistics, their investigation and subsequent closure. In addition, Business units adhere to international standards such as OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.

    The EHS resources of the Divisions provide the support necessary to ensure proper implementation of the ITC EHS policy, while the Unit Heads and the Divisional Management Committees are responsible and accountable for ensuring compliance. The CEHS function is responsible for reviewing and updating standards and guidelines on EHS policies, for providing guidance and support to all concerned and for monitoring compliance at the corporate level.

  • On-site Safety Performance

  • Zero Accident Units

  • Off-site Safety Performance

  • Occupational Health

  • HIV/AIDS and Other Serious Diseases

  • The Road Ahead
