Registered Office

37 J.L.Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 071
Epabx No. : 91-(0)33 22889371
Communications- Department-wise Fax
ITC CENTRE- Department-wise Fax
Virginia House,37 J.L.Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 071
Grand Trunk Road, Post Box No. 317, Guntur 522 004, Andhra Pradesh
ISD Code 91-0863
Tel 2354001 (8 lines)
PABX 0900 HRS TO 1300 HRS/1400 HRS TO 1800 HRS
Fax (Chief Executive) 2354526
Fax (Marketing) 2354018
Fax (Finance) 2354220/2225826
Fax (HR) 2235042
Fax (Technical) 2354543
Fax (Export & Logistics) 2354531
Fax (General) 2354017
Fax (Exports manager) 2354034
Fax (GM Exports) 2214769
Huccumpeta P. O. Rajahmundry 533 102
ISD Code 91-(0)883
Tel 2467440, 2461847
Fax 2468738
ITC Limited
Packaging & Printing Division, 119 St. Mary's Road, Abhiramapuram, Chennai 600 018
ISD Code 91-(0)44
Tel 044 42081506 - 09
Fax 24340294
ITC Lifestyle Retailing Business Division
Plot 3, Sector 5,
IMT Manesar, Gurgaon,
Haryana 122050
Tel (Board Line) - 0124 - 448 1448
Fax - 0124 - 448 1111
ITC Limited
SBU - Agarbatti Business
69, Chamiers Road,
Chennai - 600018
ISD Code 91-(0)44
Tel: 42081520
Email: mangaldeep@itc.in
ITC Limited
SBU - Matches Business
69, Chamiers Road,
Chennai - 600018
ISD Code 91-(0)44
Tel: 42081533
Email: qmat@itc.in
ITC Limited
ITC Centre, 5th Floor
37 J L Nehru Road
Kolkata - 700 071
Telephone (Board Nos.) - 91 033 2288 9371 / 2288 9900
Telefax - 91 033 2288 9411
ITC Limited - Agri Business Division
Grand Trunk Road, Nagarampalem, Guntur 522 004
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 0863 - 2348003
ITC Limited - Agri Business Division
Grand Trunk Road, Nagarampalem, Guntur 522 004
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 0863 - 2348003
ITC Bhadrachalam House
106, Sardar Patel Road
Secunderabad 500 003
ISD Code 91-(0)40
Tel (8 lines) 27846566 - 73
Ex-Com 27842997
CE's Office 27800989
Marketing Dept. 27849509
Mktg. Exports 27810034
Projects Dept. 27843059
Materials Dept. 27810033
Finance Dept. 27896048
E-Mail: webmaster@itcpspd.com
Website: www.itcpspd.com/Default.aspx
ITC Green Centre
10, Institutional Area, Sec 32,
Gurgaon - 122 001
ISD Code 91-(0)124
Tel 417 1717
E-mail reservations@itchotels.in
Website www.itchotels.in
Corporate Office
ITC Green Centre
10, Institutional Area, Sec 32,
Gurgaon - 122 001
ISD Code 91-(0)124
Tel 417 1717
E-mail contactus@fortunehotels.in
Website www.fortunehotels.in
To Contact Marketing Offices, click here
To Contact Hotels, click here
'Travel House'
T-2 Community Centre
Sheikh Sarai (Phase - I)
New Delhi 110 017
ISD Code 91-(0)11
Tel 26017808, 41005555, 41834991-96
Fax 26011543, 26015113
E-mail travelhouse@ith.co.in
Website www.internationaltravelhouse.in
Virginia House
37 J.L.Nehru Road
Kolkata 700 071
STD Code 91-(0)33
Tel +91-(0)33 22889371
Fax -
I3L 22882254
CIO's Office 22884903
Finance Department 22882502
Website www.itcinfotech.com
Landbase India Limited
Itc Green Centre,
10, Institutional Area, Sector-32
Gurgaon - 122001
Classic Golf & Country Club
P.O.Hasanpur, Tauru,
Contact Nos +91 - 99999 96099
37 J L Nehru Road
Kolkata 700 071
ISD Code 91-033
Tel 22889371
Fax 22882260