To incorporate safety deeper into ITC's operational practices and achieve the 'Zero
Accident' goal, the Company's Safety strategy rests on two
pillars: 'Safety by Design' and 'Safety by Culture'.
Safety by Design
From 'Drawing Board' to 'Operations'
ITC follows 'Safety by Design' by integrating best-in-class engineering standards
in the design and project execution stages of all investments
in the built environment. This helps in reducing potential hazards as well as
optimising operational costs. Aspects such as fire safety, electrical
safety, material handling, machine safety, people, material flows, etc. are
evaluated in detail at the design stage, and the requirements as per
best-in-class standards and practices are incorporated. Compliance with these
standards is then verified by conducting audits during the project
implementation and before the project is formally commissioned.
Safety by Culture
From 'Compliance Focus' to 'Behaviour-Centric' Safety Culture
ITC's journey in safety has evolved from 'compliance driven by standards and
guidelines' to a 'behaviour-centric safety culture'. 'Safety
by Culture' looks at driving behavioural changes so that safety is ingrained in
the culture of the organisation across operating units.
Accordingly, behaviour-based safety initiatives are being implemented across
several operating units. To drive the safety culture, ITC is
making use of tools such as a structured conversation with workers on 'Safe and
Unsafe Acts', supplemented by the adoption of keystone
behaviours by individual Units to demonstrate collective commitment and create a
shared vision of safety and discipline within the Unit.
Design thinking methodologies have also been used to reinforce behavioural based
safety initiatives, which have resulted in significant
positive changes. In addition, all ITC Units undergo periodic Environmental,
Health, and Safety audits at the business level as well as at
the Corporate level to verify compliance with standards.