Human Rights


ITC has a long-standing commitment to Human Rights, which is reflected in its Code of Conduct for its employees, Suppliers', and Service Providers' Code of Conduct. The Company has policies on Human Rights that apply to its employees, suppliers, and service providers. The said Policies and their implementation are directed towards adherence to applicable laws and upholding the spirit of human rights as enshrined in existing international standards such as the Universal Declaration and the Fundamental Human Rights Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The Company is committed to Respecting and Remediating Human Rights for employees and workers within its operational premises and beyond its fence. There are oversight mechanisms and preventive measures for its suppliers and vendor partners, too. ITC also has in place dedicated policies and channels for handling the grievances of its key stakeholders.

  • Respecting and Remediating Human Rights
  • ITC's Policies on Fair Labour Practices

Within ITC Operations

The Company continues to work towards strengthening and introducing systems to ensure sound implementation of ITC's policies on Human Rights and a decent workplace. All ITC contracts for the construction of hotels, factories, and property upgrades incorporate the environmental, health, safety, and Human Rights clauses, including workplace environment and compliance with labour practices, and are supervised by ITC managers for 100% adherence.

ITC Suppliers' and Value chain Partners

ITC's Code of Conduct for Vendors and Service Providers enshrines the Company's unwavering focus on fair treatment, human rights, good labour practices, environmental conservation, health, and safety. This Code is shared and accepted by all supply chain partners and service providers. In FY 2023-24, ITC engaged 1,416 service providers (within and outside premises), and all contracts with the service providers included clauses that conformed to ITC's Human Rights Policies and EHS guidelines.

Prohibition of Child Labour and Forced Labour

In line with ITC's unflinching commitment to good labour practices, it is ensured that no person below the age of eighteen years is employed by any Business. Forced or compulsory labour is strictly prohibited in all ITC Units, as is the association with vendors and suppliers who employ child and/ or forced labour.

Freedom of Association

ITC recognises and respects the right of its employees to exercise or refrain from exercising the freedom of association and collective bargaining. During the last year, over 10,900 employees were covered under the collective bargaining process across India. Employees who are not covered under collective bargaining are covered as per Company policy and in alignment with local applicable laws.

Road Ahead

ITC will continue its efforts to build the capacity of all concerned internal and external stakeholders on Human Rights. ITC's due diligence processes for vendors and supplier partners on Human Rights issues will be further strengthened to mitigate any potential human rights issues. ITC aims to further build upon its expertise in field engagement with farmers and follow international standards for fair practices in the agri-value chain. Moreover, ITC is also strengthening its grievance redressal systems for all value-chain partners.