Enabling Women to
Fulfil their Potential


The development journey of any nation is closely interlinked with the empowerment of its women. Women, especially disadvantaged women in rural areas, remain the invisible backbone of society, despite their contribution to households and the economy. Challenges - such as inadequate education, limited opportunities for skills training, inadequate access to financial institutions and restrictive social norms - mean that low-paying labour is often their only option in life.

ITC's Women Empowerment Programme seeks to support women in breaking some of these barriers and in fully realising their potential as catalysts of social change. The Company's approach to women's empowerment goes beyond a single specific intervention; multiple initiatives in play seek to help women realise their entrepreneurial potential through skilling, employment opportunities and participation in community-based institutions.

ITC's Social Development Programme has touched the lives of over 6 million women across its interventions.

ITC's Women Empowerment Programme

Women are at the core of all of ITC's Social Development Programme. The Programme's two-horizon approach aims to strengthen current livelihoods and build capabilities for the future, for the overall holistic development of marginalised and vulnerable communities - with special focus on women.

Four Pillars of
ITC's Women Empowerment Programme

Together, the four pillars provide a range of gainful entrepreneurial opportunities to underprivileged women. In addition, they are supported by financial assistance in the form of loans and grants, as well as strong market linkages to ensure long-term sustenance.

  • Economic Empowerment
  • Financial Capability Building
  • Creating Women Entrepreneurs
  • Women Groups for Improving Learning Outcomes
  • Health and Nutrition

Under this programme, ITC aims to provide women with opportunities to earn independent incomes, helping to strengthen their position as decision-makers in their families and communities.


Ultra-Poor Women

ITC's two-year Ultra-Poor Women Graduation Programme focuses on socio-economic inclusion through entrepreneurship for ultra-poor women-headed families living in extreme poverty, where a woman is the sole earning member.


The programme initially started in Madhya Pradesh in partnership with Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (MPSRLM) resulting in enhanced knowledge of financial planning, linkages to savings, insurance, social security and credit under the partnership. The programme has been extended to 15 states basis the learnings in Madhya Pradesh.


Promote Women in Agriculture

Women Climate Smart Farmers:

ITC promotes Women Climate Smart Farmers by building their capabilities and helping them in adopting climate smart and standard package of practices for improving yields & income and resilience to climate risks. They are trained through Women Farmer Field Schools which disseminate knowledge, demonstrate sustainable practices and arrange exposure visits enabling the rise of progressive women agriculturists.

Women Farmer Collectives:

Women farmer collectives are promoted to take up self-help to members and entrepreneurial activities as a group. Exclusive Women Agri-Business Centres and women Farmer Producer Organisations have enabled rural women to run successful group enterprises like nurseries, agri-equipment hiring, sale of agri-inputs, composting etc.

Women in allied activities:

Women are also encouraged to take the lead in other committees related to agri and allied activities such as Water User Groups and plantation committees (Vannikaran Sanghas), etc.


Self-sustaining Cadres or Sakhis

Yojana Sakhis:

ITC trains select women as service providers or 'Yojana Sakhis' to reinforce the supply-side initiatives for its Financial Literacy & Inclusion Project. These trained 'Yojana Sakhis' provide information about government schemes to the community at their doorsteps, help them identify relevant schemes as per their eligibility through mobile-based applications, and assist beneficiaries to enrol in the identified schemes.

Krishi Sakhis:

To encourage the participation of women farmers in agriculture, ITC trains select women as Krishi Sakhis or Master Trainers who promote Climate Smart Agriculture practices.

Pashu Sakhis:

Under its Livestock Programme, ITC promotes a cadre of self-sustaining women service providers or 'Pashu Sakhis' to support goat-rearing women. Pashu Sakhis charge a nominal fee for their services, which not only helps them in earning an additional income but also enables their social upliftment.

Health Sakhis:

Rural women are trained to become Village Health Champions (VHCs) under this initiative. The VHCs conduct group meetings, school activities and door-to-door visits in their villages, spreading awareness about sanitation, menstrual and personal hygiene, family planning, diarrhoea prevention and nutrition, while providing access to related products and generating a supplementary income for themselves.

ITC's Support to Education intervention covers female students in Early Childhood Education & Care and Primary and Secondary education. It provides child-friendly and gender-appropriate infrastructure; activity-based learning; 21st century skills and career intentionality. Moreover, Mothers' Groups were also formed and trained on activity-based learning to reinforce the outcomes. These Mothers' groups helped children at their homes retain the learning levels and bridge learning gaps.

ITC is engaged in building the capabilities of anganwadi sevikas on ECCE.


ITC's Skilling programmes have trained over 1.22 lakh youth across 16 states, including 50,000 women.

Swasthya Choupal

It is a women's health programme, which addresses the lack of access to credible and trustworthy health information, products and services in rural India. The key health issues addressed by this initiative include family planning, diarrhoea prevention and management, menstrual & personal hygiene, sanitation and general nutrition.


Mother & Child Health Nutrition

The programme is aimed at improving the health nutrition status of pregnant and lactating mothers, children (up to 5 years), adolescent girls, and eligible couples by creating awareness and strengthening the Government delivery system by following the intensive 1,000-day approach.

ITC's Project Samposhan operational in Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka focuses on women's nutrition in general and anaemia in particular.


Collaboration for Change:

4 Public-Private Partnerships

Through a PPP with Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) ITC aims to improve the livelihoods of women organic turmeric farmers in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. In the first season, 3,400 women farmers were trained. Similarly, PPPs were established with the Government of Rajasthan and the State Rural Livelihood Missions of Maharashtra and Bihar to strengthen the livelihoods of women agriculturists.

Targets for 2030

Contribution to India /
Alignment to National Schemes

Alignment to SDGs