Lives and Livelihoods


Gainful livelihoods are critical for economic growth and progress by powering a virtuous cycle of incomes, consumption and investment, which in turn fuels larger opportunities for employment. Inequality in global societies also continues to be a systemic risk, threatening social ecosystems, thereby making livelihood generation crucial. India's large demography makes it even more important to scale up meaningful job opportunities.

ITC believes that businesses cannot thrive in societies that are vulnerable. Recognising this imperative, ITC has crafted business models that support large-scale livelihood creation. Its social investment programmes empower rural communities by building capacity, supporting grassroots institutions and strengthening income sources.

ITC's Programmes to Support Livelihoods

Leveraging our enterprise strengths and extensive engagement with agriculture over decades, we have designed and implemented large-scale programmes that have enriched the livelihoods of millions of Indian farmers and empowered rural communities. ITC's deep engagements in agriculture, manufacturing and services, including hospitality and tourism, as well as its extensive distribution infrastructure, support millions of livelihoods across several value-chains.

Our social investment initiatives follow a Two-Horizon approach focusing on inclusive growth and holistic development of households keeping women and other poor and vulnerable communities at the core. The first horizon focuses on strengthening dominant sources of livelihood in agri-communities by promoting climate-smart and regenerative agriculture as well as providing access to critical natural resources like water. Horizon II aims at building capabilities for the future by helping households diversify into off-farm and other on-farm activities as well as through programmes for women's empowerment, education and public health, including maternal and child health, skilling, etc.

These interventions are anchored on the key tenets of:

  • Horizon 1
  • Horizon 2

Securing and strengthening dominant sources of livelihood through extensive programmes for farmer empowerment.

Climate Smart Agriculture