
ITC Spearheading Water Stewardship

July 26, 2022

With water stress on the rise, lives and livelihoods around the world are becoming increasingly precarious. In India, where a majority of the population supports themselves by rain-fed agriculture, the lack of water often means crop failure and the threat of abject poverty.

At its units and in its catchments, ITC deploys measures to manage water resources and maximise water use efficiency so all stakeholders can journey to a water secure future. ITC works extensively to promote agronomical practices and micro irrigation techniques that save water in cultivation and help farmers to improve their net returns. Additionally, ITC's water stewardship programme also aims to drought-proof the agri-catchments in order to minimise risks to farmer livelihoods arising from drought and moisture stress.

Moreover, ITC's ambitious Sustainability 2.0 goals include plans to harvest more water in the coming years.

ITC's water story is a living chronicle of an indomitable people, a great natural bounty and our pledge to put 'Nation First', always. This new film in Hindi tells the tale. Watch and share.

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